by Darlene
Food is everything! It’s delicious, beautiful, fragrant, and vibrant. It’s nourishing, satisfying, filling and comforting. It’s fun, social, family, and friends. It’s emotional, healing, energizing, and powerful.
Sometimes food can be confusing, frustrating, time-consuming, expensive and can even become addictive. Food is not the enemy, it’s an ally, and if understood and used properly, a life force more powerful and sustaining than anything else. Food is truly good when it both tastes good TO us and is nutritionally good FOR us. Is it possible to have both? Is it possible to have food taste and be good? I believe it is.
I believe there is a balance in the way we need to look at food. The more I research and study food, nutrition, and its effects, the more I’m brought back to a simple way of eating that seems to serve everyone’s needs –eating real food in its whole form (banana and mango peels discarded of course). Sure, there are times when we use small amounts of something that has been minimally processed to help with the flavor of things. But bottom line; if it’s made BY a plant, eat it. If it’s made IN a plant, don’t.
This section will help you discover ways to enjoy nourishing, wholesome, and delicious foods. We will explore how good food can lead to greater health and happiness.