Fitness is Fun!“Muscle” Boredom out of your Workout | Integrated Counseling and Wellness

Fitness is Fun!“Muscle” Boredom out of your Workout

Therapeutic Walk in Nature
Walk It Out: Integrating Exercise and Treatment
January 10, 2019
Mind-Body & Spirit: Life in Balance
February 6, 2019

By Kim Thomas


Fitness is fun! Easy for me to say, right? But it really can be. Fitness has become such an important part of the way our society flows that you have more opportunities than ever to find a form of exercise that is FUN and fits your personality!

You don’t have to sweat it out at your local gym if that’s not your thing. You don’t have to scale the nearest mountain (Which would be,perhaps,the Kemah bridge?) to get those quads rock hard. You don’t even have to pound the trails on Todville Road to whittle that muffin top away! (Although I wouldn’t discourage you from exploring that area. It makes for a beautiful hike! Besides, you might even see an alligator or two, and that’s a quick and easy way to get that heart rate up!)

We are very fortunate to have so many wonderful resources for fun exercise here in the BayArea.We are going to explore all that our area has to offer in the Fitness section, and I’m going to help you enjoy exercise! The only workout that you will regret is the one that you never did! So let’s get moving…and like it!

Group Exercise

Here are some quick and easy tips to help “muscle” boredom out of your workout

1. Work out with a friend. Statistics show people have a greater level of satisfaction with their workout if they have someone to work out with. Besides that, they are more committed to working out when they know they have someone to work out with.

2. Try Something New! Get creative with your work out and try something new. There are many new fitness classes such as Spinning, Zumba, Boot Camp or High-Intensity Interval Training, Yoga, and many more. By switching your exercise routine up, you will feel excited and motivated to keep healthy.

3. Change up the day and time you work out. This is the best-kept secret to keep boredom out of your workout. This allows you to meet new people and see new scenery.

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