What Happens in Marriage Counseling or Couples Counseling?
Often people wonder what is going to happen in marriage counseling or couples counseling. Most people know that you sit down and talk, but don’t know what you will talk about. Are we just going to talk about our problems?
Couples counseling is talking and learning. When you meet with a professional counselor, you will talk about your problems, but more importantly, you will learn how to deal with problems, and how to make your relationship bloom. You will learn more about your partner and how to help them by giving them the love they need in the way they need it. In return, you will learn about what you need in your relationship and will be able to communicate that better to your partner, so you both feel loved.
What are the Benefits of Marriage and Couples Counseling?
There is no perfect relationship in the world, but the world is filled with very happy relationships. One of the key differences between a happy relationship and an unhappy relationship is an understanding and respect for each other along with a true commitment and love for each other.
A benefit of couples counseling is that partners can gain a better understanding of each other. Often we have a hard time communicating who we are and what our needs are because we often do not know how to put it into words and describe it. Sometimes we don’t even understand our own needs. The guidance of a trained counselor can help us discover and communicate the things we otherwise could not to our partners. With the tools you learn in marriage counseling you will be better equipped to communicate more openly and plainly to each other. This enhanced communication itself can make the difference between a happy and unhappy marriage.
We often say we respect someone, but do our actions reflect that respect. Coming home and being on an electronic device until bed does not communicate respect for a spouse or loved one. The definition of respect according to Wikipedia is:
A positive feeling or action shown towards someone or something considered important, or held in high esteem or regard; it conveys a sense of admiration for good or valuable qualities; and it is also the process of honoring someone by exhibiting care, concern, or consideration for their needs or feelings.
Respect is something that is given. In couples counseling partners will learn how to give respect to each other in a way that they can each feel the “consideration for their needs.”
Marriage counseling can help you learn how to commit your love to each other. What many people do not understand is that love is not communicated equally to each person. One person may feel loved when a spouse does the dishes, but another person could feel less important if the spouse does the dishes and does not sit next to them. You may be fully committed to serving your spouse, but you may not be as committed to spending quality time with your spouse. Learning how your partner communicates love and receives love can turn a relationship from one of frustration to one filled with joy.
Who Should Go to Marriage and Couples Counseling?
First, marriage and couples counseling should not be seen as something that only people with failing relationships go to. Unfortunately, popular culture has made it out to seem that way. On the contrary, any couple with any level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction in their relationship can go to marriage/couples counseling. Anyone who is seeking tools to better grow their relationship with their significant other could benefit from couples counseling.
Think of it this way. If you want to learn how to repair cars, you can buy some tools and practice on your car. It may be expensive with the mistakes you are going to naturally make on the way, and there may be times when you’re not sure what to do, but you could certainly learn how to work on cars. Wouldn’t it be easier to learn from a certified instructor how to repair a car? Rather than making a mistake that could crack the engine you have someone who knows what to look for and inspect after you try to do something. Now how much more important is your relationship than a car?
Marriage and couples counseling is about learning to have a better, happier relationship from someone with the knowledge and skills to help couples feel more fulfillment and joy in their marriage.