Body Image
Body Image is what you believe about your appearance and how you feel about your body. The way we experience our size and shape is emotionally complex. Achieving body acceptance/neutrality involves self-acceptance. This includes verbally and physically honoring, and fulfilling our body’s needs as well as our emotional/mental needs. One can be dissatisfied with aspects of their body but still treat it and oneself respectfully as part of acceptance.
This is an achievable goal. Body dissatisfaction is influenced by cultural appearance ideals. We are socialized to talk about what we hate about our bodies. We are inundated with messages from media and social media that we are inadequate unless we are striving for an appearance that in reality is unattainable for the majority of people. It leads to negative body talk such as “I am so fat,” “Nobody would want this body,” or I am not attractive unless I weigh less” which starts to affect our self-esteem and self-worth in poor ways as self-criticism grows.
Negative body image includes engaging in unhealthy weight control
behaviors, repetitive dieting, and thinking or talking about the “thin ideal.” It can include overvaluing one’s appearance in order to feel some kind of self-worth. There might be body checking (looking in mirrors, changing clothes several times, pinching skin) and spending quite a bit of time on hair, makeup and clothes. There is typically negative judgement of higher body weight and negative comparison of self to others that are believed to look better or thinner.
Negative body image and body dissatisfaction are risk factors towards developing eating disorders.
At Rexburg Eating Disorder Center, we welcome helping you with your body image goals. Every person deserves to feel good about themselves and their appearance.